An Introduction to the Breeding Guidelines
The Finnish Lapphund Club of NSW is a breed club affiliated with Dogs New South Wales (NSW). These guidelines have been produced for the use of registered Finnish Lapphund Breeders in NSW. The use of these guidelines is voluntary.
Breeders from other states or countries are welcome to refer to these guidelines, but should be aware of the breeding guidance of their local canine governing body.
These guidelines have been produced with the rationale that the Finnish Lapphund breed is a precious domestic landrace in its country of origin, and that our breeding stewardship is a privilege and a responsibility.
The aim of these guidelines is to provide a resource for breeders in the Australian breeding context that remains in overall alignment with the Finnish Kennel Club Breeding Strategy for the Finnish Lapphund 2016-2019. The English-speaking Finnish Lapphund breeder community also may know the Finnish document by the name “Lapphund club of Finland/ Lappalaiskoirat Ry Breeding Strategy”. The Finnish Language abbreviation (JTO) has been used throughout these guidelines to refer to this document.
These breeding guidelines are in alignment with breeding direction published in these additional documents and communications:
The Finnish Kennel Club General Breeding Strategy (FKC-GBS).
The International Canine Federation (FCI) International Breed Standards and Rules documents (FCI-IBS and FCI-IBR)
Lapphund Club of Finland ( Lappalaiskoirat) Breeding Committee updates (LBC)
The codes of ethics of the FCI, the Australian National Kennel Club (ANKC) and the code of ethics and rules and regulations of Dogs NSW.
Where our recommendation for breeding practice differs from breeding practice or guidance in Finland, or from the minimum breeder requirements set by the ANKC or DOGS NSW, this has been mentioned explicitly.