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Heart Clinic and Lecture

Lauren Mills

The Finnish Lapphund is among the healthiest of pedigree dog breeds. The Australian Finnish Lapphund community is keen for our breed to maintain this enviable position, and has a demonstrated track record in participating in ongoing health research and training for the betterment of breed health. Fortunately some of Australia's foremost vet sub-specialists are keen to help, and are enthusiastic supporters of teaching within the breed community. On Thursday the 15th June we hosted one such specialist for a heart testing clinic followed by a lecture. Associate Professor Niek Beijerink specialises in both canine reproduction and canine cardiology, and has a keen interest in our breed. Ten dogs attended the heart clinic, and eight people attended the lecture. We did video the lecture and are sharing it here with our members who are breeders. While the video is of poor quality, we hope it is beneficial. Please note, there are 2 videos, part 1 and part 2. Each are 45 minutes in duration. They are actually 9 videos pieced together, hence the noticeable editing.

Part 1:

Part 2:


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