Specialty starting time
The show committee have been watching the weather forecast for Sunday 25th March (the date the annual specialty is being held). Presently the forecast is 33 degrees (per the BOM app). This communication is to give members advance notice, that it is likely the show will be moved to an earlier starting time.
Further information will be communicated in due course.
Per Part II Show - Section 19, Clause 19.1.2:
19.1.2 Where the Bureau of Meteorology NSW (“BOM”) forecast on the BOM App (http://www.bom.gov.au/app/) for the location at or nearest to any show at 10.00am on the day before the scheduled commencement time of the show, indicates Extreme Weather for the date of the show, the following will apply:- (02/17)
(a) If the forecast maximum temperature at 10.00am on the day before the scheduled commencement time of the show or anytime thereafter is 38° Celsius or higher, the show or shows are to be immediately cancelled. (01/18)
(b) If the forecast maximum temperature is in the range of 35° to 37° Celsius, the Show Committee conducting the show must decide whether to maintain the existing arrangements, cancel the show or amend the start time and/or day for the show. This decision must be made immediately after checking the forecast at 10.00am on the day before the show. (01/18)
(c) If the Show Committee is required to make a decision under 19.1.2, it may include decisions in relation to any other shows which are scheduled to be held on subsequent day/s as part of the same cluster of shows. (01/18)
(d) Any decision which is taken in accordance with (a) or (b) or (c) must be made available to exhibitors within four hours by recording the decision on the extreme weather status phone number shown in the show advertisement or schedule and, when staff are available to do so, upload the information onto the Dogs NSW website and APP and shall notify all applicants for entry of exhibits of the cancellation of the show via email where an email address has been provided. (01/18)
(e) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions a Show Committee may make a decision to amend arrangements of a show or cancel the show earlier than 10.00am on the day before the show. (11/17)
Current forecast on BOM app: