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Committee Updates

We are writing with some updates to the committee and sub committees.

Main Committee

Chrissy Fitzgerald is departing as Vice President and Show Secretary. We thank Chrissy for her contribution to the club during her term and wish her the best.

Katrina Long has volunteered to step into the Show Secretary position. Katrina contributed heavily to organising our 2018 specialty, and has helped the Junior Kennel Club of NSW with organising their shows. She is also across the progress of organising the 2019 and 2020 specialties, allowing for a smooth transition. Given Katrina's experience and understanding of the role, the committee have accepted Katrina's kind offer, and appointed Katrina as the Show Secretary for the remaining term.

This does however mean that Katrina needs to step down from her Treasurer position. Due to this, we are now calling for nominees for a member to fill this role.

We are also calling for nominees for the Vice President role.

Please don't think that you need to be a breeder, show person, or a long standing Lappie community member to nominate. We encourage members from various backgrounds and experiences to volunteer to assist on the committee. The titles of the positions may sound daunting, but no specialised prior skills or knowledge is required. We have the processes, templates etc set up, and existing committee members will mentor and support you.

In particular, the Vice President role may sound like it's too 'high level' for you. But in actual fact, this role mainly just involves assisting the committee where possible, with various projects and tasks.

To nominate, please email the secretary at

Closing date: 25th April 2018

If more than one nomination is received for a position, the committee will select the most suitable candidate.

Show Committee

We welcome to the Show Committee Elle McKay and James Vial. Thank you Elle and James for volunteering to assist with our future breed specialties.

The Show Committee consists of:

  • Katrina Long

  • Roslyn Seare

  • Lauren Mills

  • Elle McKay

  • James Vial

Events Committee

We welcome to the Events Committee Rita Petrzalka and Elle McKay. Thank you Rita and Elle for volunteering to assist with our future events.

The Events Committee consists of:

  • Lauren Mills

  • Brittany Noble

  • Beau Lancaster

  • Miriam Perl

  • Mark Fulton

  • Louise Fulton

  • Elle McKay

  • Rita Petrzalka

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