Welcome to our New Committee Members
Following on from our update last week calling for nominations for two vacant positions, we are pleased to welcome the following members to the committee.
Claire Carney- Vice President
Claire welcomed her first Finnish Lapphund, Croia, in 2017.
Animal mad since a young age, she currently works as a small animal veterinarian in Northern NSW.
Claire selected the Finnish Lapphund for its overall robust health, health testing programs, and of course wonderful temperament.
Beau Lancaster- Treasurer
Beau was introduced to Lappies in 2016 when he surprised his partner (Brittany Noble, Publicity Officer FLCNSW) with a ticket to the Dog Lovers Show. The event was meant to be where they introduced themselves to different breeds and understand the concept of owning and loving a dog. However, concept and ideas were thrown out the window when we laid eyes on Finnish Lapphunds (before we even entered the show) and they haven't looked back since. Elkie has been the shining light in their lives since she was born and contributing to the club is an amazing opportunity at giving back to the breed they have received so much from.
Beau is excited to combine his overzealous love of Lappies and experience of Finance in the Treasurer role at FLCNSW.
We thank Claire and Beau for generously volunteering their time and expertise to assist the club, and look forward to working together.